Click Prediction

About Click PredictionClick Prediction is a Los Angeles Inbound Marketing Agency based in Santa Monica, CA, and founded by veterans of the Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing Industry who wanted to bring our expert knowledge and consultative approach to local businesses, to help them thrive and grow onine. Our philosophy goes back to the old adage “Content is King” as the source of all our success and inspiration. The web is made up of information, and search engines are there to organize and prioritize it based on providing the most user-friendly browsing experience possible. We believe that if our client has the best information about a key phrase or topic, and they can demonstrate it to other sites on the web and be recognized for their quality content, then they deserve to be at the top of the search results, and we’ve seen it proven that Google and the other search engines agree! Request a free site review and find out why we are simply the best in the business!

Working with us is easy, we do a complementary initial site analysis to see what issues might stand out, and to understand the business owner’s goals better. We offer a free consultation based on that analysis, and if we decide to continue the dialogue further, offer specific recommendations on how a website can increase its visibility in the organic search results through proven, white-hat methods. Our approach is fully in line with all the Google algorithm updates, including Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird, since our goals are aligned with those of the search engines, and especially Google: provide the best information possible, make it well-organized and easily accessible, and don’t try and game the system. Our methods have worked for thousands of keyphrases across a myriad of industries because we are always heading in the same direction as the search engines: seeking to offer the best, most user-friendly information on the web, so that our clients become the ultimate online authority in their field and absolutely deserve to be at the top of the listings!